Department Committees
Department Committees
- Develop and distribute an EEB alumni e- newsletter with the goal of engaging alumni/potential donors; sharing accomplishments; pointing to KUEA support opportunities
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Membership
- Rich Glor (Chair)
- Review annual performance of faculty members in research, teaching and service.
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Membership
- Develop and curate list of internal (and external) awards for EEB faculty
- Identify appropriate nominees for awards
- Contribute to assembly of nomination packages
- Identify best individuals for preparation of nomination materials
- Maintain records of past nominations and successful awards
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Membership
- Review and develop recommendations for updating the departmental by-laws
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Kirsten Jensen (Chair)
- Bryan Foster
- Lena Hileman (ex-officio)
- W. Leo Smith
- Collaborate with existing EEB committees to establish best DEIB practices
- Bring DEIB topics and training to faculty meetings or other workshop venues following input from faculty
- The basis of these conversations can be resources selected from the EEB Faculty DEI resource list.
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Maggie Wagner (Chair)
- Jae Young Choi
- Jocelyn Colella
- Jenny Gleason
- TBD, Graduate Student Organization
- Advises the Chair and the Department
- Consider issues involving hires, budgets, faculty duties, committee duties and activities
- Provide feedback and communicate with colleagues on departmental issues
- Develop agendas for faculty meetings
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Membership
- Determine which applicants should be accepted into the EEB graduate program
- Communicate with appropriate faculty mentors regarding suitability of candidates for degree programs
- Work with Graduate Coordinator and anticipated mentors to establish financial support packages
- Make recommendations to Chair and Department
- Work with graduate support staff to coordinate the recruitment weekend or new student orientation
- Develop recommendations to EEB leadership to improve the admissions process and enhance student recruitment
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Daniel Reuman (Chair)
- Chris Beard
- Jae Young Choi
- Katya Mack
- Mark Holder (ex officio)
- TBD, Graduate Student Organization
If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in EEB, consult our program info page.
- Monitor progress of graduate students;
- determine priorities and criteria for evaluating graduate-student success;
- review and rank graduate students;
- develop recommendations regarding graduate program to EEB leadership;
- monitor faculty mentoring of graduate students and communicate mentoring issues to the Graduate Executive Committee;
- work with graduate students and mentors for remediation plans or change of mentors
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Mark Holder (Chair)
- Fola Agusto
- Ben Sikes
- Jamie Walters
- TBD, Graduate Student Organization
- Develop position description, advertise
- Develop short list for zoom interviews, carry out interviews
- Develop short list for on-campus interviews, organize on campus interviews
- Develop ranked list for offering the position
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Bruce Lieberman (Chair)
- Justin Blumenstiel
- Deb Smith
- Kirsten Jensen
- Rachel Osborn (Entomology Collections Manager)
- Peter Willadsen (Graduate Student Organization)
- Review post-tenure accomplishments of faculty colleagues
- Recognize accomplishments and achievements
- Identify aspects of performance (if any) that could benefit from improvement
- Develop recommendations for maintaining strong contributions and addressing any concerns
- All activities completed in late Fall/early Spring with documents due to the college first week in March.
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Sharon Billings (Chair)
- Ray Pierotti
- Bryan Foster
- Jamie Walters
- Kirsten Jensen (ex-officio)
- Advise candidates and help them polish submitted forms
- Review promotion and tenure dossiers
- Develop comments and recommendations regarding the performance of candidates in research, teaching, and service
- Work with Departmental Administrative Assistant to prepare forms for submission to College Committee on Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Bruce Lieberman (Chair)
- James Bever
- Justin Blumenstiel
- Deb Smith
- Kirsten Jensen (ex-officio)
- Review and rank sabbatical leave applicants
- Work with Departmental Administrative Assistant to prepare forms for submission to College Sabbatical Leave Committee
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Jenny Gleason (Chair)
- Kirsten Baum
- John Kelly
- Mark Holder
- Kirsten Jensen (ex-officio)
- Work with faculty members and graduate students to develop a diverse and representative program for the weekly departmental seminar series
- Advertise seminars and aid in developing events associated with seminars
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Benjamin Sikes (Chair)
- Kelly Matsunaga
- Katya Mack
- TBD, Graduate Student Organization
- Integrate EEB contribution to KUUB
- Review and consider EEB and the biology curricula
- Promote best methods for reviewing teaching performance of faculty and GTAs
- Coordinate EEB activities with other campus teaching initiatives (e.g., CTE, Center for Science Education)
- Participate in developing grants for external support of teaching innovation
Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 membership
- Mart Mort (Chair)
- Gerrit deBoer
- Jennifer Johnson
- Maggie Wagner
- Robert Moyle (ex officio)
- TBD, Graduate Student Organization