Bever Lab members working at the KU Field Station

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Recent News

A museum specimen of blue carpenter bee, a solitary bee species from the genus Xylocopa.
The National Science Foundation has awarded two grants totaling more than $600,000 to a team led by KU scientists studying bees in North America and plant pollinators in tropical regions.
Mark Mort
Professor Mark Mort, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, is the recipient of a new award to recognize outstanding teaching of a departmental honors course. Mort is one of two faculty members who will receive this inaugural award. Mort was nominated for his teaching of BIOL 153: Principles of Organismal Biology, honors. Award recipients will be recognized at the fall 2024 Honors Convocation, which takes place 10:00-11:30 AM, Sunday, August 25, 2024, in the Burge Union.
Benecke photo, taken at Topeka in 1873.
A fascinating new book chronicling transformation on the plains of Kansas and western Colorado uses repeat photography — contemporary re-creations of 1870s photos — to reveal startling changes to the landscape.

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Burgin Lab students in the field.


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Rainbow over KU campus


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KU EEB alum Paul Ehrlich

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