University Resources and Services

Contact the individual offices for pandemic-related changes.

Located in 22 Strong Hall, the Academic Achievement and Access Center (AAAC) is a hub linking students at all levels to a variety of academic support services. The center houses Student Access Services and offers academic success consultations and workshops. The center also maintains a registry of tutors for hire in specific courses and areas. To be included on the registry, visit the AAAC website. More information about these and other services offered by the AAAC can be found on the AAAC section of the Student Affairs website.

Students may access the advising form under the "Academics" tab after logging into the myKU portal. The advising form is an unofficial transcript of the student’s coursework while enrolled at KU. The form lists courses, cumulative and semester GPAs, milestones, and any leaves of absence.

The Applied English Center offers Intensive English Program courses to non-native English speakers who do not meet the minimum requirements for an admission or a GTA eligibility waiver. First-time GTA’s who score less than 22 (TOEFL) or 8 (IELTS) must take the SPEAK test and achieve a minimum score of 50. To make an appointment, contact Marcellino Berardo at In addition, the AEC provides a wide range of support services e.g. cross-cultural counseling, advising, a tutorial support center, conversation groups, and The Point—a learning resource. For more information contact the AEC at 204 Lippincott Hall, call 785-864-4606, or visit the AEC website.

The KU Bookstore is located on level two of the Kansas Union, and can be contacted by phone at 1-800-458-1111 or 785-864-5263. Visit the KU Bookstore website for more information about online purchasing, renting, or pre-ordering of new, used, or digital textbooks.

KU on Wheels provides bus service between campus and many off-campus apartment complexes or other locations in Lawrence. Call 785-864-4644 for more information about bus routes or visit the KU on Wheels website. Bus transportation is free with a KUID card.

Located in 206 Summerfield Hall, the University Career Center (UCC) teams offers assistance with career development and implementation to graduate students to create post-graduate career opportunities. The various UCC teams offer advising services, career planning courses, outreach programs, career resources, as well as resume reviews and tips for job interviews. For more information visit the University Career Center website or call 785-864-3624.

The mission of the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is to advance teaching excellence by graduate students and faculty at the University of Kansas. Throughout the year, CTE hosts various workshops teaching conferences, and discussion forums. The center has print and video resources for graduate teaching assistants (GTAs). All new GTAs at the University of Kansas are required to participate in the New GTAs Orientation, which is held prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. If you have questions, please email Ben Sikes at, the department’s ambassador to the CTE, or call Ben at 785-864-1599. Call 785-864-4199 or visit the CTE website for more information about CTE services.

Graduate students with children are eligible to apply for child care placement at two university facilities: the Hilltop Child Development Center and the Edna A. Hill Child Development Center. Hilltop offers care for children starting at age one, maintains an all-day kindergarten program, and provides after school care for school-aged children through the sixth grade. The Edna Hill Center cares for children from one to eight years of age with a toddler room located in Haworth Hall and preschool classrooms in Dole. Contact these programs for further information and applications for admission:

The EEB department is a part of KU’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) and the department’s graduate program follows CLAS graduate regulations and policies. The College Office of Graduate Affairs, CLAS graduate division, located in 102 Strong Hall, addresses among others the following graduate student matters:

  • Handles graduation and degree matters
  • Provides clarification and enforces College and University regulations and policies
  • Maintains Doctoral and Master’s degree checklists
  • Answers thesis and dissertation formatting questions
  • Processes petitions for exceptions to policies
  • Processes Progress-to-Degree forms to record student milestones
  • Maintains student records

For additional information visit the COGA website.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides counseling services and helps students with adjustment to college and other psychological, interpersonal, and family problems. Counseling services are available at a charge of $15 per session. Group sessions for graduate students writing theses and dissertations are available. CAPS is located in the Watkins Memorial Health Center, room 2100. Call 785-864-CAPS (785-864-2277) to make an appointment, or visit the CAPS website for more information.

A free Outlook e-mail account is provided to currently enrolled students by KU Internet Technology (KU IT). New students are assigned a generic alias that subsequently can be personalized. Visit the KU IT website email page for more information.

Enrollment at the University of Kansas is completed online through Enroll & Pay. The enrollment feature is activated mid-way through the semester, and grad students may enroll up to the day before classes begin. Enrollment on or after the first day of classes incurs late fees. Students enrolling after the first week of classes should contact the EEB Graduate Program Coordinator to obtain endorsement for adding or dropping a course, late enrollment, or withdrawing from all coursework. Refer to the "Required Coursework for Master's Students" or "Required Coursework for Doctoral Students" sections of the degree requirements page for additional information. More information about classes can be found on the schedule of classes.

The KU Office of Graduate Studies advocates for research, graduate education, and oversees the Office of Graduate Admissions, the Self Graduate Fellowship, Office of Graduate Military Programs, and works closely with the College Office of Graduate Affairs. The Graduate Studies office is located in 213 Strong Hall and addresses among others

  • Requests for travel awards and doctoral research grants
  • Graduate faculty appointments
  • Participation in the Doctoral Hooding Ceremony
  • Petitions for exceptions to graduate policies and regulations

Visit the Graduate Studies website for more information.

The Graduate Writing Program offers a variety of ways to assist graduate students with their writing. Support with thesis and dissertation writing, grant proposal writing, professional writing, and professional presentations are among the choices offered. For additional information visit the KU Writing Center website. Additionally, students can contact Brianna Hyslop, the Writing Center Associate Director, at or by calling 785-864-2386 for additional information.

The Kansas Board of Regents in cooperation with KU offers affordable health insurance plans underwritten by United Healthcare specifically designed for students. Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) and graduate research assistants (GRAs) who hold at least a 50% appointment for the entire academic year are eligible for reduced premium health insurance. Visit the Graduate Student Health Insurance page for more information and premium quotes or contact Stephanie Miller at or by calling 785-864-1817 with your health insurance questions.

Quality affordable student health services provided by Watkins Memorial Health Center include general medicine, gynecology, sports medicine, physical therapy, health education, immunizations, allergy clinic, dietary counseling, counseling and psychological services, pharmacy, laboratory, and X-rays. Services not covered by student health fees are provided at a reduced rate. For additional information visit the Watkins Health Services website or call 785-864-9500.

The Department of Student Housing has several housing options for graduate students. Jayhawker Towers and Stouffer Place offer fully equipped apartments for 2 or 4 students. Visit the Department of Student Housing’s website or call their office at 785-864-4560 for more information about on campus housing opportunities.

IOA offers confidential assistance in the resolution of harassment and discrimination complaints. Those who feel a victim of discrimination or unfair treatment because of age, race, religion, national origin, color, ethnicity, gender, disability, veteran status, marital status, parental status, or sexual orientation in pursuit of employment or educational opportunities may contact IOA for assistance. The office can provide informal mediation or facilitate a formal complaint resolution process when requested. For more information call 785-864-6414, e-mail, or visit the IOA website.

The staff members at KU Info, located on the 4th floor of the Kansas Union and at the main entrance to the DeBruce Center are ready to answer any student questions, whether academic or recreational. Questions can be submitted electronically at the KU Info website or by calling or texting 785-864-3506. The website also offers a searchable database of all previously submitted questions.

Resources and services to support computing and electronic communication and cyber security at KU are provided by KU Information Technology (IT). Additional services include, internet and e-mail access, free workshops, online how-to publications, as well phone, e-mail, and walk-up assistance. KU IT maintains the university’s central computer system in addition to several public computer labs, including facilities in Anschutz and Watson Libraries, and Budig Hall, which are open daily. Smaller computer labs are scattered all over campus, however, some of these facilities are reserved for students enrolled in certain programs. For additional information call 785-864-8080 or visit the IT website.

The Office of International Support Services (ISS), located in room 2 Strong Hall, provides a host of services to KU’s international students and scholars, ranging from assistance with immigration and visa applications, evaluation of overseas academic records, mandatory orientations, to activities for new international students and student counseling. Contact ISS at 785-864-3617, email, or visit the ISS web site for more information.

All students are issued a KU Card, which serves as the official identification card and is valid as long as students remain enrolled. Students new to KU may obtain an ID card at the KU Card Center (level four, Kansas Union) after enrolling in classes. Students must present an enrollment sheet and a photo ID to obtain a KU Card. In addition to serving as an identification card, it can be used as an ATM/debit card by opening a KU Checking Account with Commerce Bank. For more information visit the KU Card Center website or call 785-864-5845.

The KU Center for Research, Inc. (KUCR) is a not-for-profit research foundation that operates for the benefit of the university under the administrative jurisdiction of the KU Office of Research. KUCR submits all proposals for external support of research, instructional, and service projects. Their office offers tuition assistance to GRAs whose tuition is not supported by the hiring grant and to students on fellowships whose awards do not cover tuition. Helpful information on how to submit a research grant proposal can be found on the KUCR website.

Graduate students should familiarize themselves with the university lab safety policy. The university’s lab safety manual can be found on the Department of Environment, Health, and Safety website, by clicking on the "Resources" menu and then on the "Manuals" menu.

Legal Services for Students, located in Green Hall, room 212, provides free legal advice for current KU students. Attorneys (or law students working under the supervision of an attorney) interview and advise students on legal matters. The office provides three major services: advice, representation, and educational programs. Additionally, Legal Services offers free income tax assistance to domestic and international KU students. Contact the office by calling 785-864-5665, alternatively, you can email Legal Services at, or visit the Legal Services website for more information about services provided.

The University of Kansas Libraries provide information services, instruction, consultation, and scientific literature to support the education, teaching, and research activities of EEB graduate students. An overview of these services and information resources is available at the Libraries homepage. The KU Libraries comprise several buildings on the Lawrence Campus and at the Edwards Campus in Overland Park. Most of the print materials relating to ecology and evolutionary biology are housed in Anschutz Library. Thanks to KU’s longstanding tradition as a leader in natural history research and education, the Kenneth Spencer Research Library at KU houses a rich collection of rare books and manuscripts on the history of science and natural history dating back to the sixteenth century.

The Libraries provide electronic access to a wide range of scientific journals, key databases (such as Biological Abstracts, Zoological Record, Web of Science), and books. Many journal titles are still held as paper copies. The Libraries’s WebRetrieve service provides prompt access to other information resources (not held at KU) through document delivery and interlibrary loan. Librarians are available to provide library instruction for EEB classes, work with graduate students and faculty on literature research and detailed reference questions, help locate difficult-to-find research materials, order new books and journals for the collection, and facilitate the use of various library services. The general number for the reference desk at Anschutz Library is 785-864-4930. Additional reference services are available electronically from the “Ask a Librarian” link on the Libraries homepage.

An interactive, online maps of the KU campus is available, and a PDF version of the Lawrence Campus map is available on the KU Info website.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA), located in the Sabatini Multicultural Resource Center, offers programs and services for underrepresented minority students at the University of Kansas. OMA’s primary objective is to enhance the educational experiences and opportunities of all students. For more information on programs and services offered, visit the OMA website or call 785-864-4350.

OCRTIX acts on reports related to harassment and discrimination based on 16 protected classes (race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression and genetic information). They also act on reports related to sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. If anyone experiences related retaliation, they also take action on those reports. Visit the OCRTIX website

The University of Kansas Ombuds Office employs two Ombuds who offer confidential, impartial, and independent assistance to KU students, faculty, and staff who feel they have been treated unfairly, intimidated, harassed, or discriminated by offering. For more information, email, call 785-864-7261 or visit the Ombuds Office website.

Parking on campus requires a KU parking permit that can be obtained by logging in to the parking portal at time of enrollment. Parking permits are oversold and therefore purchase does not guarantee a parking space. Parking on West Campus and using KU’s Park & Ride program provides reduced price permits. For detailed information contact the Parking Department at 785-864-PARK (785-864-7275) or visit the Transportation Services Parking page.

The Office of Graduate Studies and the College’s graduate office subdivision (COGA) each offer Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Funds to support the cost of graduate student attendance and travel to scholarly conferences to present research. Travel funds is awarded in the spring and fall, limited to $500 and made on a first-come, first-served basis. For requirements and guidelines visit Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Fund and the Graduate Student Travel Fund on the respective websites.

Located in 250 Strong Hall, the Office of the Provost is the administrative unit on the Lawrence campus that governs all academic offices, departments, and programs at the University of Kansas. The provost is responsible for the formulation and implementation of academic and administrative policies and goals, acting through the vice provosts and deans and in cooperation with University Governance. Visit the Provost Office website for information on KU policies, strategic planning and initiatives, organizational charts, and other helpful links.

The KU Public Safety Office (PSO) is responsible for maintaining a safe environment for the KU community. As such they are responsible for all aspects of police, civilian, and emergency management services. The PSO website provides information about a wide range of issues, for instance:

  • Concealed carry: On July 1, 2017 the Personal and Family Protection Act expired and by law KU must permit concealed carry of handguns into most campus buildings. PSO offers weapon storage for campus residents.
  • Emergency notifications: Students are automatically subscribed to emergency text messaging alerts.
  • Community Education Pamphlets: on a variety of issues, e.g.: The # 1 crime on campus is theft. To help protect against theft, the Public Safety Office and front desks in residence halls offer free use of engravers to mark personal property such as computers and stereos (see Campus Safety pamphlet).

For more information visit the Public Safety Office website. For an immediate response call 785-864-5900, in case of an emergency call 911.

The schedule of classes can be found on the Registrar's Schedule of Classes page and on Enroll & Pay. Online schedules for fall and spring are generally made available in mid-March and mid-October respectively.

Address, phone, and e-mail information should be kept current on Enroll & Pay. Only students themselves are able to update the contact information. Enroll & Pay is a centrally accessible database, as a result one update on this web site gives most university offices access to your current contact information.

The Student Engagement Center (SEC) at the University of Kansas serves as a hub for student involvement, leadership development, impactful resources, and community programs. Through the Student Engagement Center, KU students deepen their connection to each other and KU by exploring communities and opportunities to thrive during their Jayhawk experience. Students currently engage with the SEC through registered student organizations, leadership experiences, and professional development workshops. The SEC's programs and resources impact students by directly addressing needs through the Campus Cupboard, Pregnant and Parenting Resource Pantry, Trans Closet, Winter Coat Closet, and the Emergency Aid Network. Jayhawks will build community by connecting with peers and engaging in student support programs through the SEC. The SEC enhances previously existing programs by providing greater resources to students and fostering deeper connections across Student Affairs departments. Visit the SEC website

Tuition rates for the academic year are available at the Office of the University Registrar on the “Tuition and Fees” site. Just like tuition, campus fees are determined by the number of credit hours you take. Late enrollment fees will be assessed on and after the first day of classes. Tuition is waived for graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) who hold at least a 40% or greater appointment, along with payment of up to 3 hours of campus fees. Graduate research assistants (GRAs) and curatorial assistants (CAs) with at least 40% appointments generally receive tuition sponsorship. Students employed as a GTA and/or GRA for both the previous fall and spring semesters are eligible to receive the in-state tuition rate for the summer term when not employed as a GTA/GRA, however, to qualify, students must submit the Staff & Staff Dependent Rates form.

The KU Writing Center offers feedback, face to face or via email, to students who are writing papers—no matter whether they are brainstorming, drafting, or editing. Schedule appointments with trained tutors online or by calling 785-864-2399. Graduate students may also join writing groups for assistance with preparing talks for conferences, writing papers for graduate courses, or drafting thesis chapters. Visit the Writing Center website for more information.