Dr. Folashade B. Agusto

- Associate Professor
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Agusto is a trained applied mathematician based in the department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Kansas.
Research —
My work focuses on designing novel models to understand emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases of public health importance and how to mitigate the risks they pose to human health.
I have designed and analyzed novel models for diseases like Ebola, avian influenza, bovine tuberculosis, Johnes disease, toxplasmagondii, Chikungunya, COVID-19, Lyme disease, and malaria.
Research interests:
- My lab addresses the following questions:
- i) What are simple sustainable mana
- ii) What are the effect of human behavior on disease spread and risk?
- iii) What are the evolutionary implications of host/pathogen interactions?
Selected Publications —
Google Scholar Citations: 2,511; h-index: 26; i-10 index: 44; Accessed 08-3-2023
ResearchGate Citations: 2,217; h-index: 25; Research Interest: 1,753; Reads: 26,140
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6137-6480
* Publications with undergraduate students
** Publications with graduate students
*** Publications with postdoctoral fellows
Hiroko Kobayashi*, Alexander Fulk**, Raul Saenz**, Folashade B. Agusto.
Understanding U.S. Mental Health Trends during the COVID-19 Pandemic using Network Analysis. Accepted to PLOS One
Alexander Fulk**, Raul Saenzy*, Hiroko Kobayashi*, Jordan Bramble*, Maposa Innocent, Folashade Agusto.
Assessing the Relative Impacts of COVID-19 and Social Isolation on Anxiety and Depression Across Two Time Periods in the United States. COVID 2023, 3, 807–830. https://doi.org/10.3390/covid3060060
Folashade B. Agusto, Eric Numfor, Srinivasan, Karthik, Enahoro Iboi, Alexander Fulk**, Qays Abu-Saymeh*, Jarron Saint Onge, Townsend Peterson (2023). Impact of public perception on the transmission of COVID-19 across geographical gradients. PeerJ, 11, e14736.
Bramble, Jordan*, Alexander Fulk**, Raul Saenz**, and Folashade B. Agusto (2023).
Exploring the role of superspreading events in SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 558: 111353.
Agusto, Folashade, Daniel Bond*, Adira Cohen*, Wandi Ding, Rachel Leander, and Allis Royer* (2022).
Optimal impulse control of West Nile virus. AIMS Mathematics, 7 (10): 19597–19628.
Christina J. Edholm, Benjamin Levy, Lee Spence**, Folashade B. Agusto, Faraimunashe Chirove, C. Williams Chukwu**, David Goldsman, Moatlhodi Kgosimore, Innocent Maposa, K.A. Jane White, Suzanne Lenhart (2022).
A Vaccination Model for COVID-19 in Gauteng, South Africa. Infectious Disease Modelling, 7(3), 333-345.
Alexander Fulk**, Daniel Romero-Alvarez**, Qays Abu-Saymeh*, Jarron M. Saint Onge, A. Townsend Peterson, Folashade B. Agusto (2022).
Using Google Health Trends to investigate COVID-19 incidence in Africa. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0269573. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269573
Emily Guo* and Folashade B. Agusto (2022).
Baptism of fire: Modeling the effects of prescribed fire on tick-borne disease. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, 2022.
Maria C.A. Leite, Natali Hritonenko, Folashade B. Agusto, Orou G. Gaoue, and Benito Chen-Charpentier (2022).
Viability of Pentadesma in reduced habitat ecosystems within two climatic regions with fruit harvesting. Journal of Biological Dynamics.
Alexander Fulk**, Weizhang Huang, and Folashade B. Agusto.
Modeling the effects of prescribed fire on tick-borne disease on a spatial domain. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2022, Article ID 5031806, 14 pages, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/5031806
Folashade B. Agusto, Igor V. Erovenko, Alexander Fulk**, Qays Abu-Saymeh*, Daniel Romero-Alvarez**, Joan Ponce, Suzanne Sindi, Omayra Ortega, Jarron M. Saint Onge, Townsend Peterson (2022).
To isolate or not to isolate: The impact of changing behavior on COVID-19 transmission. BMC Journal of Public Health, 22(1), 1-20.
Erick Oduniyi*, Brad Gibbons*, Myunghyun Oh, and Folashade B. Agusto (2021).
Modeling Ebola Transmission Dynamics with Media Effects on Disease and Isolation Rates. In: Teboh-Ewungkem M.I., Ngwa G.A. (eds), Infectious Diseases and our Planet. Mathematics of Planet Earth. Springer, Cham. 7, 257–279.
Agusto, F., Goldberg, A., Ortega, O., Ponce, J., Zaytseva, S., Sindi, S. S., & Blower, S. (2021).
How do interventions impact malaria dynamics between neighboring countries? A case study with Botswana and Zimbabwe. EIn: Segal R., Shtylla B., Sindi S. (eds), Using Mathematics to Understand Biological Complexity Springer, Cham. 22, 83–109.
Agusto, F. B. (2020).
Optimal Control and Temperature Variations of Malaria Transmission Dynamics. Complexity, 2020. Article ID 5056432.
Demers, J., Bewick, S., Agusto, F., Caillouët, K. A., Fagan, W. F., & Robertson, S. L. (2020).
Managing disease outbreaks: The importance of vector mobility and spatially heterogeneous control. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(8): e1008136.
Pantha, B., Agusto, F. B., & Elmojtaba, I. M. (2020).
Optimal Control Applied to a Visceral Leishmaniasis Model. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2020(80), 1–24.
Chen-Charpentier, B., Leite, M. C. A., Gaoue, O., & Agusto, F. B. (2020).
Mathematical Modeling for Studying the Sustainability of Plants Subject to the Stress of Two Distinct Herbivores. Applications & Applied Mathematics, 15(1), 598 – 635.
Walter K Dodds, Lydia H Zeglin, Robert J Ramos, Thomas G Platt, Aakash Pandey, Theo Michaels, Mohammadali Masigol, Anna M L Klompen, Michelle C Kelly, Ari Jumpponen, Emma Hauser, Paige M Hansen, Mitchell J Greer, Niloufar Fattahi, Camille S Delavaux, R Kent Connell, Sharon Billings, James D Bever, Niloy Barua, Folashade B Agusto (2020).
Connections and Feedback: Aquatic, Plant, and Soil Microbiomes in Heterogeneous and Changing Environments. BioScience. 70(7), 548–56.
Agusto, F., Goldberg, A., Ortega, O., Ponce, J., Zaytseva, S., Sindi, S. S., & Blower, S. (2019).
How do interventions impact malaria dynamics between neighboring countries? A case study with Botswana and Zimbabwe. medRxiv, 19013631.
Agusto, F. B., & Kim*, S. (2019).
Impact of Mobility on Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus among Injection Drug Users. Antibiotics, 8(2), 81.
Agusto, F. B., & Leite, M. C. A. (2019).
Optimal control and cost-effective analysis of the 2017 meningitis outbreak in Nigeria. Infectious Disease Modelling, 4, 161–187.
Agusto, F.B., Leite, M.C.A. and Orive, M.E. (2019).
The transmission dynamics of a within-and between-hosts malaria model. Ecological Complexity, 38, 31–55.
O’Sullivan, S., Sajid, M. I., Agusto, F. B., Mwangangi, J., Manguvo, A., Wichmann, D., & Kharoshah, M. (2018).
Virtual autopsy and community engagement for outbreak response in Africa: traditional, religious and sociocultural perspectives. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 8(1), 67.
Mohammed-Awel, J., Agusto, F., Mickens, R. E., & Gumel, A. B. (2018).
Mathematical assessment of the role of vector insecticide resistance and feeding/resting behavior on malaria transmission dynamics: Optimal control analysis. Infectious Disease Modelling, 3, 301–321.
Agusto, F. B., & Khan, M. A. (2018).
Optimal control strategies for dengue transmission in Pakistan. Mathematical Biosciences, 305, 102–121.
Leite, M. C., Chen-Charpentier, B., & Agusto, F. B. (2018).
Maximizing tree harvesting benefit from forests under insect infestation disturbances. PloS one, 13(8), e0200575.
Leite, M. C. A., Chen-Charpentier, B., & Agusto, F. B. (2018).
A mathematical model of tree harvesting in age-structured forests subject to beetle infestations. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(3), 3365–3384.
Wagner*, R., & Agusto, F. B. (2018).
Transmission dynamics for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus areus with injection drug user. BMC Infectious Diseases, 18(1), 69.
Zabel*, T. A., & Agusto, F. B. (2018).
Transmission Dynamics of Bovine Anaplasmosis in a Cattle Herd. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, 2018.
Selected Presentations —
Plenary Talks
From cultural practices to risky behaviors to public sentiment: Modeling human behavior and disease transmission.
Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics (CMPD6), Winnipeg Canada. May 22,2023
Double Whammy: Exploring the effects of prescribed fire and rising temperature on tick-borne diseases.
SMBEpi-PDEE Subgroups Mini-Conference. February 26th, 2023.
Controlling meningitis in Nigeria: Optimal versus impulse control strategies.
8th Annual International Conference (virtual conference) on Mathematical Sciences and Optimization. July 8-9, 2021
The impact of changing behavior and risk perception on COVID-19 transmission.
16th University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference. November14,2020.
Modeling COVID-19 Outbreak
6th Annual UMKC Math & Stat Research Day. April17, 2020.
Invited talk
Modeling the role of risky behavior among injection drug users on disease transmission. Human Behaviorand Disease Dynamics. Brin Mathematics Research Center, University of Maryland. April 24, 2023.
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health Using Network Analysis. The Foundations of Biomedical Data Science, University of Virginia 2022-2023 Seminar Series. March 3, 2023.
Exploring the effects of fire on tick invasion. Workshop on Evolutionary Dynamical Systems and Applications (EDySA). Thies Senegal. December 09, 2022.
COVID-19: Modeling the impact of human behavior and perception of risks on disease transmission. West Africa Research Association and Mid-America Alliance for African Studies October 21, 2022.
Optimal versus Impulse Control Strategies for Controlling Meningitis in Nigeria SIAM Central States Sectional Meeting. October 19-20, 2019.59.
Impact of Regional Movement on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus among Injection Drug Users. Department of Mathematics, Middle Tennessee State University. September 20, 2019.58.
Optimal control and temperature variations of malaria transmission dynamics Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech. September 11, 2019.57.
Impact of Regional Movement on Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus Aureus among Injection Drug Users. 2019SMB Annual Meeting, University of Montreal, Canada. July 25, 2019