Zane Walker

- Doctoral Aspirant
- Chancellor's Doctoral Fellow
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Brian Atkinson
Research Interest: Paleobryology, Bryology, Structure, Development, Phylogeny, Biodiversity.
Hometown: Montague, CA
Education —
Selected Publications —
Walker, Z., Rothwell, G. W., and Stockey, R. A. 2023. Fossil evidence for sporeling development of a Mesozoic osmundaceous fern. American Journal of Botany 110(8): p. e16210–n/a,
Walker, Z., Stockey, R., Rothwell, G., Atkinson, B., Smith, S., Iglesias, A. 2024. A fossil dicranid moss from the Late Cretaceous of Antarctica. The Bryologist. (In press).
Shevock, James R., Toren, David R., Brooks, Jason R., Whittemore, Alan T., Walker, Z. Bryoflora of the Marble Mountain Wilderness, Klamath National Forest, Siskiyou County, California. (In prep).
Walker, Z. A Brief Examination of Two species of Stereocaulon Using SEM. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society. (In review).
Selected Presentations —
Walker, Zane; Stockey, Ruth; Rothwell, Gar; Atkinson, Brian; Smith, Selena; Iglesias, Ari. 2024: Late Cretaceous (Campanian) bryophyte flora: A permineralized moss from James Ross Island, Antarctica. IOP/IOPC 2024, Prague, Czech Republic.
Walker, Z., Shevock, J. R., Toren, D. R., Brooks, J. R., Whittemore, A. T., A Bryoflora of the Marble Mountain Wilderness, Klamath National Forest, Siskiyou county, California. Botany 2024, Grand Rapids, MI
Walker, Zane; Stockey, Ruth; Rothwell, Gar; Atkinson, Brian; Smith, Selena; Iglesias, Ari. 2023: A fossil moss from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian) James Ross Island, Antarctica. Botany 2023, Boise, ID.
*Walker, Zane; Rothwell, Gar; Stockey, Ruth. 2021. A permineralized osmundaceous fern sporeling from the Lower Cretaceous of western Canada. Botany 2022 Anchorage, AK.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Chancellor's Doctoral Fellowship Award, KU 2024
IOP Graduate Student Travel Grant, The International Organisation of Palaeobotany 2023
Remy, Remy, Winslow Travel Award, Botanical Society of America 2021-2024
Frank Kosko Memorial Scholarship, Shasta Ch. of California Native Plant Society 2021-2023
Kathryn Merrifield Scholarship, Oregon State University 2022
Augusta Rockafellar Scholarship, Native Plant Society of Oregon 2022
Travel Award from the Pteridological Section, Botanical Society of America 2022-2024
Bryophyte Mini-grant, California Native Plants Society 2022
Educational Grant, California Lichen Society