Dr. Shyamolina Ghosh

Shyamolina Ghosh
  • Post-doctoral Researcher

Contact Info

150 Higuchi Hall


Faculty Sponsor: Dan Reuman

Nonlinear dynamics, reaction-diffusion system, pattern formation, chemical oscillation, ecology

Selected Publications

  • Ghosh, S., Sheppard, L.W., Holder, M.T., Loecke, T.E., Reid, P.C., Bever, J.D., and Reuman, D.C.  2019. Copulas and their potential for ecology, Advances in Ecological Research. 62: 409-468.
  • Ghosh, S., Hallett, L.M., Sheppard, L.W., Reuman, D.R.  2019.  Estimating synchronous and compensatory dynamics in community ecology using a novel ‘copula’ approach.  Journal Ecological Society of America

Selected Presentations

  • Ghosh, S., Hallett, L.M., Sheppard, L.W. and Reuman, D. 2019. Estimating synchronous and compensatory dynamics in community ecology using a novel “copula” approach. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY.