Askhan Shametov

- Doctoral Aspirant
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Jae Young Choi
Research Interest: Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Population genetics, conservation
Hometown: Almaty, Kazakhstan
Education —
B.S. in Biology, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, 2010
M.S. in Natural Studies - Biology, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, 2013
M.S. in Biological Science, University of Minnesota, 2021, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Selected Presentations —
Shametov A. K., Miller L. M. Natural reproduction of Walleye populations in southern Minnesota concerning a genetic assessment of naturally reproducing and stocked Walleye populations in southern Saint Paul, Minnesota. The virtual 81st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife conference. February 2021. Poster Presentation.