Rashmi Liyanage

KU Masters student Rashmi Liyanage
  • Master's Student

Contact Info

KBS - Higuchi Hall


Research Interest: Plant Ecology

Hometown: Sri Lanka


B.S. in Botany, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
M.S. in Environmental Soil Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Selected Publications

Liyanage, R., Kariyawasam, T., Wijewickrama, T., Bandara, J., & Madawala, S. (2021). Some edaphic properties in Dicranopteris linearis dominated landscape:A perspective for restoration success. Ceylon Journal of Science, 50(1), 17–28. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/cjs.v50i1.7843

Kariyawasam U.G.T.D., Liyanage B.L.R.E., Madawala H.M.S.P., & Bandara P.M.C.J. (2020). Some edaphic properties in Dicranopteris linearis dominated landscape: A Perspective for Restoration Success. Proceedings of Yong Scientists Forum Symposium. (pp. 149-152).