Kelly Pfeiler

- Doctoral Candidate
- Self Graduate Fellow
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Contact Info
EEB - Haworth Hall
Biography —
Faculty Mentors: Drs. Kelly Matsunaga and Brian Atkinson
Research Interests: Paleobotany
Hometown: Bishop, CA
Education —
B.S. in Botany, Humboldt State University, 2018
summa cum laude
summa cum laude
M.S. in Biology, Humboldt State University, 2020
Selected Publications —
- Iler, A., CaraDonna, P., Richardson, L, Wu, E., Pfeiler, K., Freymiller, G, Godfrey, K., Gorman, A., Wilson, N., Whitford, M., Edmonds, G., Stratton, C., Jules, E. 2022. Genotype accounts for intraspecific variation in the timing and duration of multiple, sequential life‐cycle events in a willow species. American Journal of Botany.
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2020. An Early Devonian actinostelic euphyllophyte with secondary growth from the Emsian of Gaspé (Canada) and the importance of tracheid wall thickening patterns in early euphyllophyte systematics. Papers in Palaeontology: 1 – 15.
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2018. An Early Devonian permineralized rhyniopsid from the Battery Point Formation of Gaspé (Canada). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 187: 292 – 302.
Selected Presentations —
- Pfeiler, K.C. Atkinson, B., Matsunaga, K., 2022. Anatomically preserved cheirolepidiaceous pollen cones from the Cretaceous of western North America.Botanical Society of America. Anchorage, AK. (
- Pfeiler, K.C., Matsunaga, K., Peterson, A., Atkinson, B., 2021. A new anatomically-preserved cupressaceous seed cone from the Paleogene of Washington State. Botanical Society of America (Virtual). (
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2021. Early Devonian evidence for modular assembly of the regulatory toolkit for secondary growth. Midcontinent Paleobotanical Colloquium (Virtual).
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2021. Early Devonian euphyllophyte anatomy reveals a mosaic pattern of expression of regulatory modules responsible for secondary growth. Progressive Paleontology (Virtual).
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2019. A new type of Early Devonian wood-producing euphyllophyte from Gaspé (Canada). Botanical Society of America Meeting, Tucson, AZ. (
- Iler, A., CaraDonna, P., Pfeiler, K.C, Richardson, L., Freymiller, G., Godfrey, K., Gorman, A., Whitford, M., Wilson, N., Wu, E., Jules, E. 2019. Genotype accounts for intraspecific variation in the timing and duration of life cycle events in a dioecious willow species. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2018. How many times did wood splinter? Closing in on the origins of secondary growth in euphyllophytes. 10th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
- Pfeiler, K.C., Bippus, A., Kammet, A., Ortiz, A., Escapa, I., Tomescu, A. 2018. Fossils and seed cone morphology in the resolution of phylogenetic relationships among basal Cupressaceae s.l. 10th European Palaeobotany and Palynology Conference, Dublin Ireland.
- Pfeiler, K.C., Ortiz, A., Kammet, A., Bippus, A., Tomescu, A. 2017. Exploring the relationships of an anatomically-preserved cupressaceous seed cone from the Lower Cretaceous of California. Botanical Society of America Meeting, Fort Worth, TX. (
- Pfeiler, K.C., Tomescu, A.M.F. 2016. An anatomically preserved Early Devonian rhyniopsid from the Battery Point Formation (Gaspé, Canada). Botanical Society of America Meeting, Savannah, GA. (…)
Awards & Honors —
- Botanical Society of America Paleobotany Section: Isabel Cookson Award ($1,000). 2022.
- Association for Women Geoscientists Osage Chapter Research Scholarship ($1,000). 2021.
- Humboldt State University: Patricia O. McConkey Outstanding Graduate Student Award. 2020.
- Humboldt State University. Milton J. Boyd Outstanding Teaching Associate Award. ($1,000). 2019.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- Pfeiler, K.C. Madison and Lila Self Graduate Fellowship. The University of Kansas. 60 mo. 7/20 – 7/25. Funded.
- Pfeiler, K.C. Chancellor’s Doctoral Fellowship. The University of Kansas. Declined.
- Pfeiler, K.C. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. 2019. $102,000. 36 mo. 8/20 – 7/23. Funded.