Dr. Onofrio Mazzarisi

- Post-doctoral Researcher, Reuman Lab
- he/him/his
Contact Info
Takeru Higuchi Hall, West Campus
Personal Links
Education —
B.S. in Physics, University of Bologna, Italy, 2014
M.S. in Theoretical Physics, University of Bologna, Italy, cum laude, 2017
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Salerno, 2021, Italy
Research —
Faculty Sponsor: Daniel Reuman
Onofrio's background is in theoretical physics, and his Ph.D. focused on nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. While he has maintained an interest in the fundamentals and methods of statistical physics, he shifted the focus of his research, during his postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Science, Leipzig, to the interface of statistical physics and ecology and evolution.
He is currently studying the links between population dynamics and macro-ecological patterns and is interested in the analysis of stochastic time series.