Austin Nguyen

- Doctoral Aspirant
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Kelly Matsunaga
Research Interest: Conifer evo-devo
Hometown: Overland Park, Kansas
Education —
Selected Presentations —
Matsunaga, K. and Nguyen, A. Ovuliferous complexes of Wollemia nobilis and the dual bundle system of conifer seed cones. Botanical Society of America, Boise, Idaho, July 2023. Contributed oral paper.
Serbet, R., Andruchow-Colombo, A., Elgorriaga, A., Nguyen, A., Nibbelink, M., Pfeiler, K., Tang, K., Atkinson, B., and Matsunaga, K. An exclusive look at a diverse coal swamp flora from the Pennsylvanian of Lawrence, Kansas. Botanical Society of America, Boise, Idaho, July 2023. Contributed oral paper.
Nguyen, A. and Atkinson, B. Permineralized cornalean fossil fruits from the Late Cretaceous of North America. Botanical Society of America, Boise, Idaho, July 2023. Contributed oral paper.
Awards & Honors —
University of Kansas Honors Program: Yarick-Morgan Prize for Excellence. $10,000. 2023.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Nguyen, A. National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. 2023. $147,000. 36 mo. 8/23 – 7/26. Funded.