Haylee Nedblake

- Master's Student
- Doctoral Candidate
Contact Info
EEB - Haworth Hall
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Lena Hileman
Research interests: Floral trait evolution, plant-pollinator interaction
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Education —
B.S. in Biology with minor in Chemistry, Park University
Selected Presentations —
- Nedblake, H.J., C. Wessinger, and L. C. Hileman. Evolution of floral pigments in Penstemon, Botany 2020 - Virtual, Virtual, July 2020. Poster presentation.
- Nedblake, H.J., R. Zitter, and S. Hageman. Comparison study of marine trace fossils from the Upper Carboniferous in the Rock Lake Shale in Kansas City, MO. 150th Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, April 2018. Poster presentation.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- Nedblake, H.J. Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). Pollination syndrome-induced floral evolution shifts style length in Penstemon. NSF 19-590. $138,000. 60 mo. 08/01/20-08/01/25. Declined.