Kevin Mulcahy

- Doctoral Aspirant
- Self Graduate Fellow
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Chris Beard
Research Interest: Vertebrate paleontology, vertebrate evolution, vertebrate morphology, biogeography, effects of climatic change on vertebrate evolution
Hometown: Yardley, Pennsylvania
Education —
Selected Publications —
Mulcahy, K. 2023. Relative abundance of vertebrate fossil taxa in the Upper Cretaceous exposures of Monmouth County brooks & a test of species richness extrapolators. The Mosasaur - the Journal of the Delaware Valley Paleontological Society 13(1): 1–14.
Selected Presentations —
Mulcahy, K. Measuring Prehistoric Biodiversity In The Brooks Of Monmouth County. April 2023 Meeting of the Delaware Valley Paleontological Society, Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, April 2023. Invited Oral Presentation.
Mulcahy, K., Zallek, T. Inter-and Intraspecific Variation Leads to Different Invasion Outcomes. University of Pittsburgh Department of Biological Sciences 2022 Undergraduate Research Symposium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 2022. Poster Presentation.
Awards & Honors —
Mulcahy, K. Delaware Valley Paleontological Society Monthly Speaker Honorarium. The Delaware Valley Paleontological Society. $150. 4/27/2023.