Dr. Michelle Busch

- Post-doctoral Researcher - Aquatic Ecology
Contact Info
Research —
Faculty Sponsor: Amy Burgin
I study how aquatic communities respond to human impacts on rivers and streams, and how changes to community compositions alter stream dynamics and services. More specifically, my current work focuses on drivers of macroinvertebrate assemblage dynamics in non-perennial rivers and how drying and wetting cycles alter assemblage diversity and functional traits.
Selected Publications —
Nelson, D., Busch, M., Kopp, D., Allen, D. 2023. Drying, more than warming, alters ecosystem functioning in streams with different energy pathways. Functional Ecology.
Busch, M.H., Allen, D.C., Marske, K.A., Kuczynski, L. 2023. The only lasting truth is change: Legacy effects of historical richness causes change in fish community assembly over time. Oikos.
Datry, T., Truchy, A., Olden, J.D., Busch, M.H., Stubbington, R., Dodds, W.K, Zipper, S., Yu, S., Messager, M.H., Tonkin, J., Kaiser, K., Hammond, J., Moody, E., Burrows, R.M., Sarremejane, R., DelVecchia, A., Fork, M.L., Little, C.J., Walker, R.H., Walters, A., Allen, D.C. 2023. Anthropogenic versus naturally intermittent rivers: Science, management, and policy implications. BioScience.
Busch, M.H., Costigan, K.H., Fritz, K.M., Datry, T., Krabbenhoft, C.A., Hammond, J.C., Zimmer, M., Olden, J.D., Burrows, R.M., Dodds, W.K., Boersma, K.S., Shanafield, M., Kampf, S.K., Mims, M.C., Bogan, M.T., Ward, A.S., Perez Rocha, M., Godsey, S.E., Allen, G.H., Blaszczak, J.R., Jones, C.N. and Allen, D.C. 2020. What’s in a name? Patterns, trends, and unifying suggestions for defining non-perennial rivers and streams. Water 12(7): 1980.
Selected Presentations —
Busch, M.H., Cook, S., Boersma, K., Jones, C.N., Price, A., Loflen, C., Mazor, R., Hristova, R., Subbington, R., Zimmer, M., Hammond, J., Allen, D.C. 2022. Connecting macroinvertebrate and algae communities across variations in river drying regimes. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, MI.
Busch, M.H., Allen, D.C., Marske, K.A., Kuszynski, L. 2021. Legacy effects of historical richness cause change in fish community assembly over time. British Ecological Society. Virtual.
Burch, C.M., Busch, M.H., Higgins, E. D., Bittner, S.M., Burkett, L., Perera, N., Neal, K.T., Castro, A., Anderson, C.E. 2019. Revisiting a water conflict in Southeastern Oklahoma: Willingness to pay and valuation of ecosystem services six years later. NSF National Research Traineeship All Hands Meeting, Norman, OK.
Awards & Honors —
2023 University of Oklahoma Nancy Mergler Dissertation Completion Fellowship
2023 University of Oklahoma Overall Outstanding Graduate Student Award