Dr. Maria E. Orive

Maria Orive
  • Professor
  • Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Research Interests: Evolutionary Theory, Clonal Reproduction, Pathogens and Symbionts, Eco-Evolutionary Dynamic

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Dr. Maria Orive's research area is theoretical population genetics.


My research area is theoretical population genetics; I use mathematical models to investigate the roles that such complexities as clonal and asexual reproduction, non-random mating, and different patterns and types of dispersal play in determining genetic structure; I also apply evolutionary theory to questions of how these different life histories evolved. Specific areas of present and future research include models investigating the role that life history plays in determining effective population size and levels of local differentiation, the use of multi-locus genotype information in analyzing hybrid zones, tradeoffs between clonal and sexual life phases, the evolution of senescence, and the dynamics of viral populations within their hosts.

Research interests:

  • Evolutionary theory and population genetics of organisms with complex life histories
  • Life history evolution and the evolution of senescence
  • Relationship of population structure and life-history attributes to gene flow and genetic diversity
  • Use of multilocus genotypic data in analyzing gene flow and hybrid zones
  • Within-host viral population dynamics

Selected Publications

  • Agusto, F. B., Leite, M. C. A., and Orive, M. E. 2019. The transmission dynamics of a within- and between-hosts malaria model. Ecological Complexity, 38, 31-55. doi.org/10.1016/j.ecocom.2019.02.002
  • Chang, E. S., Orive, M. E., and Cartwright, P. 2018. Non-clonal coloniality: Genetically chimeric colonies through fusion of sexually produced polyps in the hydrozoan Ectopleura larynx. Evolution Letters 2(4): 442-455.
  • Orive, M.E., M. Barfield, C. Fernandez, and R.D. Holt. 2017. Effects of clonal reproduction on evolutionary lag and evolutionary rescue. American Naturalist 190(4):469-490.Barfield, M., M.E. Orive, and R.D. Holt. 2015. The role of pathogen shedding in linking within- and between-host pathogen dynamics. Mathematical Biosciences 270:249-262.
  • Marriage, T. N. and M. E. Orive. 2012. "Mutation-selection balance and mixed mating with asexual reproduction" Journal of Theoretical Biology. 308. 25-35.
  • Marriage, T. N., S. Hudman, M. E. Mort, M. E. Orive, R. G. Shaw, and J. K. Kelly. 2009. "Direct estimation of the mutation rate at dinucleotide microsatellite loci in Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae)" Heredity. 103. 310-317.
  • Orive, M. E., M. N. Stearns, J. K. Kelly, M. Barfield, M. S. Smith, and R. D. Holt. 2005. "Viral infection in internally structured hosts. I. Conditions for persistent infection" Journal of Theoretical Biology. 232(4). 453-466.
  • Williamson, S., S. M. Perry, C. D. Bustamante, M. E. Orive, M. N. Stearns, and J. K. Kelly. 2005. "A statistical characterization of consistent patterns of human immunodeficiency virus evolution within infected patients" Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22(3). 456-468.
  • Kelly, J. K., S. Williamson, M. E. Orive, M. S. Smith, and R. D. Holt. 2003. "Linking dynamical and population genetic models of persistent viral infection" American Naturalist. 162. 14-28.
  • Williamson, S. and M. E. Orive. 2002. "The genealogy of a sequence subject to purifying selection at multiple sites" Molecular Biology and Evolution. 19. 1376-1384.
  • Orive, M. E. and N. H. Barton. 2002. "Associations between cytoplasmic and nuclear loci in hybridizing populations" Genetics. 162. 1469-1485.
  • Orive, M. E.. 2001. "Somatic mutations in organisms with complex life histories" Theoretical Population Biology. 59. 235-249.
  • Orive, M. E. and M. A. Asmussen. 2000. "The effects of pollen and seed migration on nuclear-dictyoplasmic systems. II. A new method for estimating plant gene flow from joint nuclear-cytoplasmic data" Genetics. 155. 833-854.
  • Asmussen, M. A. and M. E. Orive. 2000. "The effects of pollen and seed migration on nuclear-dictyoplasmic systems. I. Nonrandom associations and equilibrium structure with both maternal and paternal cytoplasmic inheritance" Genetics. 155. 813-831.