Luis Javier Madrigal Roca

- Doctoral Aspirant
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John K. Kelly
Research Interest: Understanding how evolutionary forces impact the gene pool of natural populations of plant species. I am particularly interested in modeling these effects while taking into account background demographics and environmental hypervolume.
Hometown: Havana, Cuba
Education —
Selected Publications —
Denis Ávila, D., E. A. Curbelo, L. J. Madrigal-Roca and R. D. Pérez-Lanyau (2020). Spatio-temporal variation of the spectral response in mangroves in Havana, Cuba, evaluated with remote sensing. Rev. Biol. Trop. 68 (1): 321-335. doi:10.15517/rbt.v68i1.39134.
Madrigal-Roca, L. J., J. Azanza-Ricardo and G. Espinosa-López. Microsatellites of Chelonia mydas (Testudines: Cheloniidae) from the southwestern region of Cuba: two statistical approaches. [Submitted to the Journal of Marine Research and approved for publication]
Hernández Vázquez, A. M., Madrigal-Roca, L. J., Echenique Días, L. M., Álvarez Lemus, J. A., Berovides Álvarez, V. and Espinosa López, G. Population genetics of Queen conch, Aliger gigas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Gastropoda: Strombidae) at Cuban island platform. [Submitted to the Biological Journal of the Linnean Society and approved for publication]
Madrigal-Roca, L. J. Assessing the predictive value of morphological traits on primary lifestyle of birds through the extreme gradient boosting algorithm [Submitted to Plos Biology, currently under revision]
Awards & Honors —
International Special Prize at the VII Student Congress on Scientific and Technological Research (September 14 and 15, 2022) held at the Universidad del Caribe, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Work: “Description of the population structure of Strombus gigas (Littoriv nimorpha: Strombidae) in the insular platform of Cuba through microsatellite loci”.
Second Prize of International Special Category at the VI Student Congress on Scientific and Technological Research (September 15 and 16, 2021) held at the Universidad del Caribe, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Work: “Genetic structure of Chelonia mydas from nesting areas of the southwestern region of Cuba inferred through two statistical approaches”.
CITMA (Cuban Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment) Prize to Researcher Students 2022 in the fields of Exact and Natural Sciences.
Scientific Merit Prize for Students Highly Involved in Research of the University of Havana.