Amanda Katzer

- Doctoral Candidate
Contact Info
EEB - Haworth Hall
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Lena Hileman
Research interests: Nectar development and nectar production
Hometown: Olathe, Kansas
Education —
B.S. in Biology: Genetics, University of Kansas
Selected Publications —
- Katzer, Amanda M., Wessinger, Carolyn A., Hileman, Lena C. 2019. Nectary size is a pollination syndrome trait in Penstemon. New Phytologist. Accepted.
Selected Presentations —
- “Nectary Area is a pollination syndrome trait in Penstemon.” Katzer, Amanda M, Wessinger, Carolyn A, Hileman, Lena C. Poster presented at Botany 2018 conference. 2018 July 21-25; Rochester, MN.
- “Parallel developmental processes in the repeated evolution of hummingbird-adapted flowers." Katzer, Amanda M, Wessinger, Carolyn A, Hileman, Lena C. Poster presented at: Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology. 2nd Biennial Meeting. 2017 Aug 19-23; Calgary, AB.
- “Genetic and developmental features of repeated floral evolution in Penstemon”. March 2017, MicroMORPH workshop, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University. C. Wessinger, A. Katzer, L. Hileman. Oral presentation.
- “Phylogenetic pattern and underlying mechanisms of hummingbird syndrome in Penstemon”. July 2017, International Botanical Congress, Shenzhen, China. C. Wessinger, A. Katzer, M. Rausher, L. Hileman. Oral presentation.
- "Time Domain Reflectometry." Johnston, IA. 2015 Aug. Katzer, Amanda M. Oral presentation.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Grants Awarded:
- “Under the petals: the genetics of nectary development and nectar replenishment” PIs: A. Katzer and L.C. Hileman. $1700. Research Excellence Initiative. 2016-2019.
Fellowships and Awards:
- Travel Award from the Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Fund from KU. 2018. $500
- Travel Award for the Botanical Society of America Development and Structural Section for Botany 2018 conference in Rochester, Minnesota. $500
- KU Botany Endowment Summer Research Fellowship. Summer 2018. $5000.
- Travel Award for the Pan-American Evolutionary Developmental Biology conference in Calgary, Canada. 2017.