Dr. Guangzhou Wang

- Post-doctoral Researcher
Contact Info
Education —
Ph.D., China Agricultural University
Research —
Faculty Sponsor: James Bever
Area of specialization:
Plant-soil interactions
Research Interests:
Microbial-mediated diversity-productivity relationships
Plant-soil feedbacks
Selected Publications —
- Wang, G., Ye, C. Zhang, J. Koziol, L., Bever, J.D., and Li, X. 2019. Asymmetric facilitation induced by inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi leads to overyielding in maize/faba bean intercropping. Journal of Plant Interactions 14(1): 10-20. doil: 10.1080/17429145.2018.1550218
- Wang, G., Schultz, P., Tipton, A., Zhang, J., Zhang, F., and Bever, J.D. 2019. Microbiome mediation of positive plant productivity-diversity relationships in late successional grassland species. Ecology Letters 22:1221-1232.
Selected Presentations —
- Wang, G. 2019. Soil microbiome drives overyielding in both agriculture intercropping and native prairie. Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Manhattan, KS.