Amanda Gehin

- Master's Student
Contact Info
KBS - Higuchi Hall
Personal Links
Biography —
Research Interest: Plant-insect interactions as mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, regenerative agriculture, prairie reconstruction, ecological interpretation through interdisciplinary practice
Hometown: Elgin, IL
Education —
BFA in Painting, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
International Ceramics Studio, Kecskemét, Hungary
Permaculture Certification, Permaculture Institute, Longo Maï, Costa Rica
Botany, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS
Selected Presentations —
Invited Artist/Interdisciplinary Lectures:
- Gehin, A. Visiting artist lecture. Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art. Overland Park, Kansas, 2021. Invited Oral Contribution.
- Gehin, A. Artist lecture-Host plants. Kemper Art Museum E(ART)h Extravaganza. Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Missouri, 2019. Invited Oral Contribution.
- Gehin, A. Feed the Birds, the Bees, And the Butterflies. Green Works, Kansas City, Missouri, 2018. Invited Oral Contribution.
- Gehin, A., Van Rhein, S. Historic and Potential Bottomland Habitat. West Bottoms Reborn, Kansas City, Missouri, 2017. Invited Oral Contribution.
- Gehin, A., Van Rhein, S. Disturbances in the Field. La Esquina, Kansas City, Missouri, 2015. Invited Oral Contribution.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- Gehin, A., Bever, J. (PI) Graduate Research. Tritrophic Interactions with Silphium integrifolium at the Axis. The Land Institute Sponsored. $75,418. 24 mo. 1/1/22-12/31/23. Funded.
- Gehin, A., Bereolos, C. Ecological Interpretation Art Project. Macrocosmos Caterpillar: Monarch Streetcar. Art in the Loop, Missouri Department of Conservation, City Roots, and Down to Earth Services Sponsored. 6 mo. 4/1/19-10/1/19. Funded.
- Gehin, A. Artist Residency. BNIM Architects, Kansas City, MO. 2014-2015.
- Gehin, A. Artist Residency. Charlotte Street Foundation, Kansas City, MO. 2007.