Sarah Flynn

- Doctoral Candidate
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Contact Info
KBS - Higuchi Hall
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Amy Burgin
Research Interests: The impacts of stream intermittency on water quality and biological processes
Hometown: Burlington, KY
Education —
B.S. in Physics with minors in geology and mathematics, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
Selected Publications —
D. Peterson, S. Flynn, R. Lanfear, C. Smith, L. Swenson, A. Belskis, S. Cook, C. Wheeler, J. Wilhelm, A. Burgin, December 2022, Team Science: A Syllabus for Success on Big Projects. In Review for Frontiers in Ecology & the Environment.
Selected Presentations —
- S. Flynn, A. Burgin, E. Seybold, A. Shogren, S. Thomas, C. Wheeler, May 2022, Flip of the Switch: How do streams turn on and how does this phenomena impact water quality? Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
- J. Kaldy, C. Brown, S. Pacella, C. Tenison, S. Stryffeler, April 2019, oral contribution. Mesocosm experiments yield unexpected responses of autotrophs to nutrient loading: Influence of water residence time on eutrophication expression. New England Estuarine Research Society, York, Maine
- J. Kaldy, C. Brown, S. Pacella, C. Tenison, S. Stryffeler, November 2017, oral contribution. Unexpected responses of autotrophs to nutrient loading: Influence of water residence time on eutrophication expression. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference, Providence, Rhode Island
- S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, M. Koo, November 2015, oral contribution. Greenhouse gas flux in green infrastructure. Presented at Kentucky Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Highland, Heights KY.
- S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, M. Koo, November 2015, oral contribution. Greenhouse gas emissions and green infrastructure. Presented at Ohio Valley Society of Toxicology Conference, Highland Heights, KY.
- S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, M. Koo, October 2015, poster presentation. Determining greenhouse gas flux in constructed wetlands. Presented at Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education. Highland Heights, KY.
- S. Stryffeler, A. Nagel, J. Brown, and K. Hopfensperger, August 2015, poster presentation. Effects of herbicides on willows in the Kentucky River watershed. Presented at Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference, Covington, KY.
- S. Stryffeler, A. Nagel, J. Brown, and K. Hopfensperger, March 2015, poster presentation. Herbicides effects on willow seedlings. Presented at Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium, Highland Heights, KY.
- S. Stryffeler, A. Nagel, J. Brown, and K. Hopfensperger, March 2015, poster presentation. Exploring the effects of herbicides on willow seedlings, in Proceedings Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, Lexington, Kentucky, p. 53.
- A. Nagel, J. Brown, S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, and D. Thompson, March 2015, oral contribution. Quantification of atrazine and metolachlor dispersal associated with land use in selected areas of the Kentucky River watershed, in Proceedings Kentucky Water Resources. Annual Symposium, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, Lexington, Kentucky, p. 51.
- A. Nagel, J. Brown, S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, and D. Thompson, November 2014, oral contribution. Quantification of Atrazine and Metolachlor Dispersal Associated with Land Use in Selected Areas of the Kentucky River Watershed, in Proceedings of the Kentucky Academy of Science, Louisville, Kentucky.
- S. Stryffeler, K. Hopfensperger, August 2014, poster presentation. Method development in testing for nitrates. Presented at Heather Bullen Summer Research Celebration, Highland Heights, KY.
Awards & Honors —
- Graduated Cum Laude, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 201 7
- Deans List, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 2014, 2016, 2017
- First place oral presentation for determining greenhouse gas flux in 2015 constructed wetlands, Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education
- Second place poster presentation for Exploring the effects of herbicides 2015 on Willow Seedlings, Kentucky/Tennessee Water Professionals Conference
- 2013 -2017 SOAR Scholarship, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, EPA U-GRO Fellowship