Martel Ellis

- Doctoral Aspirant
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Contact Info
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Maggie Wagner
Research Interest: Determining if variation in root and shoot traits can be used to predict the root and rhizosphere microbiome.
Hometown: Romulus, MI
Education —
Selected Presentations —
Williams, D., Clouse, K., Ellis, M., Wagner, M. Influence of soil chemical and physical properties on nutrient uptake and maize fitness. University of Kansas Office for Diversity in Science Training Symposium, April 2023. Poster presentation.
Wagner, M., Hudson, A., Clouse, K., Ellis, M., Balint-Kurti, P., Kleiner, M. Genetic architecture and molecular mechanisms of microbe-dependent heterosis. North Carolina State University Symposium, Spring 2023. Poster presentation.
Ellis, M., Clouse, K., Wagner, M. Influence of nutrient availability and land use on heterosis in maize. Denver Phytobiomes Conference, September 2022. Poster presentation.
Clouse, K., Ellis, M., Tso, F., Wagner, M. Investigating soil microbial mechanisms affecting heterosis in maize. International Society for Microbial Ecology Symposium, August 2022. Poster presentation.
Ellis, M., Clouse, K., Wagner, M. Influence of nutrient availability and land use on heterosis in maize. New Roots for Restoration – Biological Integration Institute seminar, August 2022. Virtual oral presentation.
Ellis, M., Clouse, K., Wagner, M. Influence of nutrient availability and land use on heterosis in maize. University of Kansas summer poster session, July 2022. Poster presentation.
Ellis, M., Clouse, K., Wagner, M. Influence of nutrient availability and land use on heterosis in maize. University of Kansas virtual poster session, July 2022. Virtual poster presentation.
Ellis, M. Comparing inbred and hybrid MAMP response in maize. University of Kansas Summer Undergraduate Research Award presentation, June 2022. Virtual oral presentation.
Memberships —
Ellis, M. Kansas University Graduate Fellowship. The University of Kansas. $33,000. 2023-2024 academic year.
Ellis, M. Madison and Lila Self Memorial Scholarship. The University of Kansas. $10,000. 2023-2024 academic year.
Ellis, M. KU EPSCoR REU. The University of Kansas. $8,000. 3 mo. 06/2022-08/2022. Funded. 4. Ellis, M. University of Kansas Undergraduate Research Award. The University of Kansas. $1,000. 2022-2023 academic year. Funded.