Ashley Bowman (Wojciechowski)

- Doctoral Candidate
Contact Info
KBS - Higuchi Hall
Biography —
Faculty Mentor: Sara Baer
Research interests: Soil ecology, plant-soil-microbe interactions, nutrient dynamics, prairie restoration and conservation
Hometown: Downers Grove, IL
Education —
B.S. in Biology, North Central College
Selected Presentations —
- Wojciechowski, A.A., Blair, J.M., Collins, S.L., and S.G. Baer. Heterogeneity begets heterogeneity: Increasing soil heterogeneity increases plant diversity and richness. Poster presentation at the Ecological Society of America. August 2021 (Online, Originally Scheduled at Long Beach, CA).
- Wojciechowski, A.A., and S.G Baer. Plant diversity and aboveground productivity response to long-term nutrient availability and first year-imposed drought in restored prairie. Poster presentation at the Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference. March 2020 (Online, Originally Scheduled at DeKalb, IL).
- Wojciechowski, A.A., Blair, J.M., Collins, S.L., and S.G. Baer. Environmental heterogeneity increases resilience of a restored grassland to interannual variability in precipitation. Poster presentation at the Ecological Society of America. August 2020 (Online, Originally Scheduled at Salt Lake City, UT).
- Wojciechowski, A.A., Sorrentino, S., and J. Weremijewicz. Mineral nutrient distribution within common mycorrhizal networks- interplant transfer or partitioning from the soil? Oral presentation at the Rall Symposium for Undergraduate Research. May 2019 (Naperville, IL).
- Wojciechowski, A.A., Alvarez-Clare, S., Sanchez, A., Tenedor, M.A., Vincent, A., and M.G. Midgley. Nutrient Concentrations of Understory Plant Tissues in a Chronically Fertilized Lowland Tropical Wet Forest in Costa Rica. Oral presentation at the Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference. April 2019 (Terre Haute, IN).
- Bae, J., Halverson, A., Wojciechowski, A.A., and G. Ruthig. Environmental detection of amphibian pathogens using quantitative PCR. Poster presentation at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research. April 2018 (Edmond, OK).
Awards & Honors —
- Wojciechowski, A. Meghan Sweeney Award for High Academic Achievement and Campus Involvement. North Central College. May 2019.
- Wojciechowski, A. Undergraduate Research Fellow I and II. The Center for Tree Science at the Morton Arboretum. June 2018 to May 2019.
- Wojciechowski, A. Norman and Rose Lewis Endowed Scholarship. North Central College. Awarded $11,019. May 2018.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- Wojciechowski, A. Extended Undergraduate Research Fellowship. The Center for Tree Science at the Morton Arboretum. Awarded $4,950. October 2019. Funded.
- Wojciechowski, A. Richter Grant Undergraduate Fellowship. North Central College. Awarded $4,400. January 2018. Funded