September Monarch Watch Events

Thu, 09/14/2023


Sharon Renee Suppes

Monarch Watch invites you to join them for these FREE events in September:

Monarch Watch Fall Open House on Saturday, September 16, 2023 

Join us at our Fall Open House at Foley Hall on KU's West Campus to celebrate the arrival of migrating monarchs coming from the north. This free event is designed to please children and adults alike.

At the Open House you can learn about creating Monarch Waystations and see the magnificent butterfly and pollinator garden created and maintained by the Douglas County Master Gardeners. Weather permitting, you will see an abundance of butterflies and numerous other small but important pollinators. On a good day over 20 species of butterflies visit the garden. Bring your cameras. It is well worth a visit.

This will be primarily an outdoor event and there will be tours of our gardens, games, activities, tagging demonstrations, monarch butterflies, caterpillars, and more!

We'd love to see you, so mark your calendars!

Monarch Watch Tagging Event on Saturday, September 23, 2023 

Once again, Monarch Watch, the Jayhawk Audubon Society, and the Baker Wetlands Discovery Center are sponsoring Monarch butterfly tagging for the public. There is no charge to participants and no experience is necessary - so bring yourself, your kids (all ages), your friends, and your neighbors!

If you have a net, bring that too, though Monarch Watch and JAS will provide the tags, nets, and instructions on how to net and tag monarchs. The monarchs are usually roosting or clustering (sometimes in spectacular concentrations!) until around 8:30AM. As it warms up, they begin foraging on the flowers.

Thu, 09/14/2023


Sharon Renee Suppes